
Cyberpunk Maps by SagaBorn

These custom made Maps are perfect for your cyberpunk tabletop rpg game. They are made using photoshop and Arkenforge using a couple sources for assets. These were all created by me for my Cyberpunk Red campaign: Velvet Lazer.

Maps Directory

How I make the cyberpunk maps:

Assets from Arkenforge

I used many of the base assets from Arkenforge, though I was careful not to use too many rustic or non modern assets on the Maps

Assets from Dundjinni

Dundjinni is one of the oldest map making programs out there, but they are a great resource for assets and tokens. These assets are free to use and modify, which they recently clarified on the forums with the following statement:

“By posting your Maps, art, files, etc that you have
created/modified to this site, you agree to submit them
as a public domain work and subject them to that legal
classification. This new policy goes into effect
retroactively from the creation of this forum and
starts on 06/23/2018. By posting your work/assets to
this forum you are agreeing that anyone anywhere at
anytime can reprint, reuse, modify, sell, or repack
them as though it was listed as a public domain piece
of work. If you do not wish to have your work listed
here you can delete it/them at anytime and if you need
assistance, please send a private message via this
forum to any of the administrators here.

*** Posting that an asset or map is not for
commercial use will NOT exempt you from this rule, so if
you do not want your work posted here and cannot delete
it, then contact a system administrator! ***”

I will not redistribute these files as they are not mine to do so, but here is a current list of the files I am using in Arkenforge to produce these Maps. Only when editing the Arkenforge files*, will you need these modern map assets. 

*Arkenforge files of the Maps are only available when you are part of my Patreon.

SagaBorn Assets

Sometimes I couldn’t find an asset that I liked, or I had a particular asset I needed, so I made these myself. If you want your own copies of these cyberpunk assets, sign up for my Patreon to gain access.