Drink and Dungeon: Craven’s Hollow The Inheritance
Join us for a live session of SagaBorn 1.5 with the intro adventure that will be coming out with the starter guide.
Join us for a live session of SagaBorn 1.5 with the intro adventure that will be coming out with the starter guide.
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs. This issue is all about magic! We discuss our favorite magic systems, talk about magic groups in Atheles, and have a mini adventure caused by a magical artifact. Table of Contents Articles: Systems of Power: I examine the concept of … Read more
The SagaBorn StoryGuide’s Screen is everything a game master needs to reference during a SagaBorn game session. Four 8.5×11 panels with all the core information (and 1 bonus panel with all Conditions) is ready to be printed. These screens can be used with the DTRPG Master Master LANDSCAPE screen. Also included is a 44″ painting of Castle Atheles … Read more
I will track progress of various projects here for 2023. SagaBorn 1.5 Core Rulebook Published! Finished: Creature Compendium To do: Codex Dominum To do: Finished: Adventures Fantasy Grounds Released in 2023
A rewrite of the 2018 SagaBorn Sanity book, Horror modernizes the wording and streamlines the mechanics for the SagaBorn 1.5 game system. If you want to add an element of foreboding to your game, or even a single adventure, the Horror system adds an easy ruleset to do so. Horror rules in SagaBorn attempt to … Read more
The Codex Dominum, Master Book of Stories, contains all the knowledge needed for a StoryGuide to run the best game of SagaBorn for their players. These texts allow you to pull the story elements you want to weave into a campaign that is more than just a romp in a dark dungeon. Codex Dominum Chapters:
Download the free Lifepath preview for SagaBorn 1.5 Through rolling dice, or just choosing your favorite, you end up with a character ready for adventure and roleplay. You can preview the character Lifepath by downloading the PDF below.
SagaBorn Roleplaying Game, an old-school D20 system, has launched a Kickstarter for the latest version of their core rulebook. Since their initial launch in 2017, they have made many improvements to the rules and character classes while also focusing on what made the system shine, collaborative heroic storytelling. The new system will be free as … Read more
I am always looking for a place where my work fits. At first, SagaBorn was a 3.5 clone with bits of my world slapped on. The system grew, carved our indie niche, and thrived. As time went on, I saw reviews, comments, and comparisons, always marking my game and art as retro or old school. … Read more
Cruise through your futuristic city on a large map of a city interstate. About the map This cyberpunk city highway is the heart of the city. Neon lights and holograms of advertisements float over the road, casting a fluorescent glow on the busy street below. The sleek cars driving on the highway move in perfect … Read more