A map for for VTT or printing.

Nothing like an encounter in the forest to start off an adventure, right? Here is a 16×28 forest map for all your woodsy encounter needs.
- 200 DPI JPG maps with grid
- Day and Night Versions
- Grid and Gridless
- Fantasy Grounds Unity and Roll 20 optimized maps.

Hello adventurers! Thanks for stopping by.
I’m Mike Bielaczyc, an artist, creator of the popular SagaBorn RPG, and a founding sibling of the largest elf ear company in the USA (for real, check it out here).
I hope to not only connect with people who enjoy my work and can use it in their own adventures, but to create a lasting community in the process.
When you subscribe to my Patreon, you not only get every upcoming map I create, but you also gain access to our entire back catalog!
Last 3 Maps: