So you want to join the SagaBorn Basic Roleplay beta test, and you need a character? You have a few options.
The first and easiest is to head over and grab a premade character. There is a premade Warrior, Mage, Ranger, and Rogue. These are all created with the automated google character spreadsheet.
Of course, the most fun option is to make your own! But where to start? Making a BRP is way easier than you think. It is a skill-based system, so all you have to do is roll stats and add skill points.
The basic outline to making a Character in a BRP system:
(these are all outlined in the SagaBorn BRP system page, or jump directly to the BRP google doc)
Character Creation Steps:
These steps will lead you through the path to create a character.
- Lifepath: This is first because it allows you to figure out story elements with your adventurer. Knowing the hero’s species, profession, and history will help inform the mechanical choices you will make later.
- Characteristics: These are the abilities that build a base for everything else. Look at your Profession and skills and make sure your highest characteristics match up with those skills.
- Assigning Skills: You get points for your Profession skills as well as a pool of points for your personal skills. You start with 250 Profession skill points and INTx10 personal skill points to distribute. SagaBorn BRP is completely skill-based, so make sure you build the skills for the style of play you want! But don’t worry, everytime you use any skill successfully, you have a chance to level it up at the end of the game night.
- Talents: These extraordinary abilities allow you to customize your character even further. While there are no classes in SagaBorn BRP, these talents may have familiar names to each Path. You are only limited to the amount of Talent points you earn, branching out and becoming the
- hero you wish. At character creation, you start with 3 Talent points.
- Equipment: You have starting equipment and gold based on your Profession. Resources and money can be rare in Atheles, so you may not have the fund to buy everything you want. What better reason to go adventuring!
Finishing Touches: Appearance, personality, and more can be figured out now, but if you are undecided, just give some generalizations and build it out later on.
Character Creation Resources:
Character Creation video. I walk you through making a character using the automated SagaBorn BRP Character spreadsheet.
Digital Character Sheet:
Try out our Digital Spreadsheet Character Creator (just save a copy to your local Google Drive or download a copy.) :