Heroic Actions Expanded

There have always been a lot of questions about what heroes can do with Heroic Actions. I always told people to use their imagination, but I also realized that sometimes we can get into a set pattern and forget that this is a game of imagination, and everything should be possible!

But if you are having a hard time thinking of what to do as a player, or a StoryGuide wants to give their players a few ideas, I created these Heroic Action ideas.

A Heroic Action is an ability-based action that uses either a move or standard action to perform. It is a contested roll vs another creature’s Ability, or vs the environment with a DC of 12. Heroic Actions can never do damage, but they can add bonuses. 

Combat Heroic Actions

Aim: you may aim with a ranged single-shot attack. If you successfully hit with the attack, a successful Heroic Action causes the target to take a -1 penalty to all attack rolls on its next turn

Arcane Shot: when a single target spell does damage to a target, a successful heroic action pushes them back 5’.

Arcane Knock: when a single target spell does damage to a target, a successful heroic action knocks them prone. 

Brute force: when you land an attack with two-handed weapon, a successful Heroic Action pushes the target back 5 feet.

Called shot: you may use a called shot with a ranged single shot attack. If you successfully hit with the attack, a successful Heroic Action allows you to hit a specific part of the body, or try for a specific effect with the shot.

Clobber: when you land a successful blunt weapon attack, a successful Str Heroic Action causes the target to become Dazed. 

Grapple: with a successful Heroic Action the opponent loses their Dex bonus and becomes grappled.

Hamstring: when you land an attack, a successful Heroic Action slices the opponent’s hamstring causing them to move at half speed.

Heavy shot: when you hit an opponent with a ranged single shot attack, a successful Heroic Action pushes the target back 5 feet. 

Pin: with a successful Heroic Action the opponent is pinned. A pinned appoint loses their Dex bonus and can not cast spells.

Poke: if you land an attack with a light weapon, a successful Heroic Action allows you to roll 2 damage dice and take the higher roll.

Mighty Swing: when you land an attack with an extra large weapon, a successful Heroic Action causes the target to become prone. 

Shove : a successful heroic action causes the opponent to be knocked back 5”.

Slice:  when you land an attack with a medium or large slashing weapon, a successful Heroic Action allows you to roll 2 damage dice and take the higher roll.

Trip: as a heroic action, try to trip your enemy.

Combat or Social Heroic Actions

Environmental Advantage: choose part of the environment and with a successful DC12 check, add a +2 to your next attack or skill roll. If you fail the DC check, you suffer -1 on your next attack or skill roll.