Download the Last Things Last Maps at the Patreon link below.
About the map
This Friday, we ran Delta Green: Last Things Last with my board game group. It was a ton of fun!
Even though the game relies on theater of the mind for so much, I couldn’t pass up making maps for the locations.
These could also be used for any modern or cyberpunk adventures.
72 dpi gridded maps available free at the link, or all the flavors including animated for Patrons.
Our playthrough (spoilers):
We started out in Nashville, the agents posing as realtors as they gathered at the meeting spot, the empty Hickory Hollow Mall. There the handler showed up and sent them to Clyde Baughman’s apartment on Harding Place. After a long search and a few local encounters, the team found evidence of a hidden cabin in Pigeon Forge.
Into the van! Dodge Caravan that is. The team headed to a cabin where they found a few artifacts and were about to leave when they heard a human voice… or was it human?

Hello adventurers! Thanks for stopping by.
I’m Mike Bielaczyc, an artist, creator of the popular SagaBorn RPG, and a founding sibling of the largest elf ear company in the USA (for real, check it out here).
I hope to not only connect with people who enjoy my work and can use it in their own adventures, but to create a lasting community in the process.
When you subscribe to my Patreon, you not only get every upcoming map I create, but you also gain access to our entire back catalog!
Last 3 Maps: