Drink and Dungeon Ep 4: The other denizens of the forest.
The spider and goblin are dead, but our adventurers are not too close behind. They need to find a place to rest, but can they? Starring: Laura Bielaczyc, Hannah McGinnis, Anton Souvorin and Michael Bielaczyc. Based on the SagaBorn Roleplaying Game and the Dark Return Setting. http://Sagaborn.com http://Darkreturn.com
Drink and Dungeon Ep 7: Gramblins, Gromblins, and Gerblins
Episode 7 Deeper and deeper, fighting the little gremblins that Bergamot can not commit to naming. Tooth collections, dough slapping, and showtunes. All while risking their lives delving deeper into the dark lair. Starring: Laura Bielaczyc, Hannah McGinnis, Anton Souvorin and Michael Bielaczyc. Based on the SagaBorn Roleplaying Game and the Dark Return Setting. http://Sagaborn.com … Read more
Gencon and the SagaBorn Core Rulebook release
We are in full swing getting ready for Gencon. We have prepped our demos, ordered our books, and getting all the accessories in stock that we can. On top of packing artwork and dice! We are running 8 events this year, starting One Thursday and the last event on Saturday. You can find our events … Read more
Epsode 3 is out as a podcast.
It’s everywhere, on sagaborn.com, iTunes, google play, and Soundcloud.
Drink and Dungeon Ep 3: The battle with the goblin spiders continues.
In the Kaelnor Forest the adventurers ran into a slew of spiders, one which had a goblin mounted atop! Battled ensued, will they survive? An ongoing RPG webcast. The adventurers make their way through the troubled lands of Atheles, hoping to make a brighter future for themselves. Starring: Laura Bielaczyc as Xyla Hannah McGinnis as Adalaide Anton … Read more
Drink and Dungeon Ep 2: Into the forest.
The adventurers left the city of Ferryport in search of fame and fortune, and found a job no one else wanted. Crops have been missing, and they were hired to find out why. Their first big lead was from a pretty odd farmer, who fed them stew and then pointed them into the dark woods … Read more
Drink and Dungeon Ep 1: The job everyone thought was hogwash.
The first episode of an ongoing RPG webcast. The adventurers make their way through the troubled lands of Atheles, hoping to make a brighter future for themselves. Bergamot Komondor (Anton), Adalaide Arany (Hannah), and Xyla Xibbadobbler Swiftdigit III (Laura) travel to South Hollow to find (or forget about) the Adventure Board and hopefully find a job … Read more
Episode 101 of Drink and Dungeon, the official Webcast of SagaBorn has been released!
Just released, the pilot episode of Drink and Dungeon, SagaBorn’s webcast demoing the game and making you laugh! Starring: Laura Bielaczyc, Hannah McGinnis, Anton Alexei Souvorin and Michael Bielaczyc. Music by Dane Clark Collins, and intro by Andy Firkus.
The importance of a Zero Session
For years, I started campaigns by wrangling my friends into playing, having them quickly roll up characters, and jumping on the dark and mysterious road. There were always growing pains and some people who never moved beyond a character who hacked their way through every adventure. I always wanted the players to jump into the … Read more