The importance of a Zero Session

For years, I started campaigns by wrangling my friends into playing, having them quickly roll up characters, and jumping on the dark and mysterious road. There were always growing pains and some people who never moved beyond a character who hacked their way through every adventure. I always wanted the players to jump into the … Read more

Converting D20 creatures to SagaBorn

As the SagaBorn Kickstarter comes to a close, I have had a couple of questions about how to fill in campaigns with monsters if we don’t have a Creature Compendium out yet. Converting creatures to SagaBorn is quite easy. Basic Conversion Steps Hit points, CR, and AC all stay the same. Ability scores stay the … Read more

Log from our chat on the RPGnet Chat!

On February 20th, on a warm, not so stormy night the SagaBorn crew descended on the RPGnet IRC channel to discuss their current Kickstarter: the SagaBorn RPG. This is what was said. 19:31] <+MBielaczyc> Hello everyone! I am Michael Bielaczyc- co creator of SagaBorn and creator of the Dark Return RPG setting. [19:32] <+BrianCooksey> I’m … Read more

The Last 2 days of the Kickstarter!

We are down to the last 2 days of our Kickstarter! THE CROSSING is a new, Dark Return setting adventure for 4-6 characters of 3rd to 4th level. Continue your characters’ Return of the Fey adventure path with over one hundred pages of encounters, locales, and terrifying monsters. Written by Shonn Everett and produced by … Read more

Of Dwarves and Artifacts: A SagaBorn Short Story

“Out with it,” barked the wizened old dwarf. Erl’s leather face shifted into a smile and he slapped Gartnor on the back with a stinging but friendly force. “The faster you ’splain what you want, the faster we can guzzle that pitcher.” “I…uh…I’m not here to drink. I just…” “Not here to drink, he says,” … Read more

SagaBorn Games: Narrative and Dramatic Role Play

Painting by Michael Bielaczyc

When creating Atheles, Michael Bielaczyc and I have worked hard to ensure SagaBorn gameplay becomes an immersive, story-based experience with interpersonal drama and engaging narrative rather than mere power gaming. An engaging narrative is difficult to accomplish when writing a book, but it is even more difficult to accomplish in a game whose story is … Read more