Log from our chat on the RPGnet Chat!

On February 20th, on a warm, not so stormy night the SagaBorn crew descended on the RPGnet IRC channel to discuss their current Kickstarter: the SagaBorn RPG. This is what was said. 19:31] <+MBielaczyc> Hello everyone! I am Michael Bielaczyc- co creator of SagaBorn and creator of the Dark Return RPG setting. [19:32] <+BrianCooksey> I’m … Read more

The Last 2 days of the Kickstarter!

We are down to the last 2 days of our Kickstarter! THE CROSSING is a new, Dark Return setting adventure for 4-6 characters of 3rd to 4th level. Continue your characters’ Return of the Fey adventure path with over one hundred pages of encounters, locales, and terrifying monsters. Written by Shonn Everett and produced by … Read more

Creating a Dungeon Map in Photoshop

When running an adventure, having a good map is essential. If you are using miniatures, then with a quick bit of printing, you can have terrain for your players. Maps can seem daunting, but if you set up a basic map ahead of time, you can quickly produce maps for your adventures. There are plenty … Read more

StarBorn: The Comm Station

Thunder rumbled across the sky. The squad walked into the cool gray building. Lighted keyboards emitted a soft glow. A voice crackled over the comm speaker: “Wave Station, please report on the situation.” Mak glanced around, his eyes growing wide. Tyler immediately strode over to the table. “Wave Station, here. Situation is beautiful; everything is taken care of.” He looked back and nodded … Read more

First Mission – Successful!

Predator Squadron Mission 1.0 Fifteen ships slid out of hyperspace. Commander Cave’s voice crackled over the comm, “I see two space cows have followed you home, Predators. Good job.” Two gunships came out of hyperspace on either side of the squadron. Next to Skywatch I, the command ship for Predator Squadron, the gunships were small, but … Read more

What’s in the Future for SagaBorn and Lone Wanderer?

So The Dead Gulch adventure is at the printers, and the PDF is already available for purchase. Where are we planning on going from here? First, we are putting out the SagaBorn Roleplaying System. This system is created for the World of Uteria setting, a harsh, low magic world. To reflect this, we have limited … Read more