
SagaBorn RPG 1.5 Books

  • Lay of the Land; Part 1. A Craven’s Hollow Adventure
    This is the follow-up to the SagaBorn Starter Kit adventure, The Inheritance. It is meant for four to six level 1 characters and is the … Read more
  • Notes on Craven’s Hollow
    An in-character guide to the settlement of Craven’s Hollow. A Player’s Guide to Craven’s Hollow. While we have an online version over at, this … Read more
  • SagaBorn Starter Kit
    Welcome to Sagaborn 1.5, an indie d20 system built with an old school vibe, in-depth roleplaying, and streamlined tactical combat. This Starter Kit comes with … Read more
  • SagaBorn Character Gallery
    The SagaBorn Character Gallery is an easy reference for adding NPC’s to your game.  This book contains all of the base classes of characters, from … Read more
  • Free Adventure: Insatiable Habits
    An adventure for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old-school RPGs. A SagaBorn RPG compatible Adventure  The Wanderers have delegated the task of investigating the most recent … Read more
  • SagaBorn 1.5 Errata
    Hello all! Well, I am so sorry to say that we have found a few mistakes in the SagaBorn 1.5 Core rulebook. The PDF books … Read more
  • The Cryptid from the River
    About the Adventure The Setting Pacov is a small village along the Weron River, northeast of the large city of Kowal and southeast of the … Read more
  • More Than a Gamble (Adventure)
    About the Adventure: A recently successful merchant in Kowal, Gregor Eliuska, has hired you to be his right-hand guards. This has been a very well-compensated … Read more
  • StoryGuide’s Screen
    The SagaBorn StoryGuide’s Screen is everything a game master needs to reference during a SagaBorn game session. Four 8.5×11 panels with all the core information (and 1 … Read more
  • Horror
    A rewrite of the 2018 SagaBorn Sanity book, Horror modernizes the wording and streamlines the mechanics for the SagaBorn 1.5 game system. If you want … Read more
  • Codex Dominum
    The Codex Dominum, Master Book of Stories, contains all the knowledge needed for a StoryGuide to run the best game of SagaBorn for their players. … Read more
  • Crafting
    A set of very simple crafting rules for D20 systems. Crafting is used to repair or make new items. Crafting is tied to skills from the Core … Read more
  • Strongholds
    Build your home, become part of your world. Strongholds is a system for helping the players build a home for the SagaBorn Roleplaying System. Wizard’s … Read more
  • Haunting of Eliuska Manor – A haunted house adventure
    Can you survive the horrors of the mysterious Eliuska Manor? The haunted house: a setting that has fascinated us since we first moved from the … Read more
  • The Pact
    A SagaBorn 1.5 Adventure ADVENTURE BACKGROUND A merchant in Kowal, Gregor Eliuska, has been extremely successful lately. Not only in his business dealings, but also … Read more
  • Creature Compendium
    Monsters have invaded our lands. People are scared. And it is our job to help them. I have compiled many notes throughout my years of … Read more

SagaBorn RPG 1.0 Books

  • Crafting
    A set of very simple crafting rules for D20 systems. Crafting is used to repair or make new items. Crafting is tied to skills from the Core … Read more
  • The Temple of the Valley
    In the ancient past the Eldar peoples worshiped Tanthias as one of their primary gods. As many peoples do, they created temples to their god. … Read more
  • Creature Compendium
    Monsters have invaded our lands. People are scared. And it is our job to help them. I have compiled many notes throughout my years of … Read more
  • The Wanderer’s Test
    You find yourself in Kowal, a city falling apart and afraid of the changes in the world. Money and food are hard to come by, … Read more

The Saga Zine

Pathfinder 1.0 Books

SagaBorn Maps